Skincare Tips for men
- Use a face wash and moisturiser twice daily.
- Use sunscreen daily regardless of weather conditions and do apply on the ears, neck and other sun exposed area. Switch to a ChapStick which contains SPF. Use a transparent spray sunscreen for body areas and in case you play sports or spend prolonged hours in the sun outdoors.
- Shave/ Trim in the direction of hair in order to avoid razor burns, folliculitis, & in grown hair etc
- Look out of any new lumps or bumps or new moles, any growing in size, any than are itchy and bleed often.
- A skin care routine can be build first identifying the general skin type which can be broadly dry, oily or combination or sensitive, choose cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen based on your specific needs.
- Skincare Products specifically made for men are usually a publicity gimmick so dunk the Charcoal face washes and scrubs.
- A balanced diet, an active and healthy lifestyle are key to maintaining good skin health.
- Patch text any new product behind the ear when introducing into your skin care routine.
- If 30+ it’s a good time to introduce an antioxidant rich product containing vitamin C or Niacinamide in the morning and slowly introduce a retinol-based product few times in a week, in your evening skincare.
- Undereye serums are a great addition for men, as they can help in reducing the appearance of tiredness, dark circles and fine lines especially due to an advent of prolonged use of devices.