Dry skin – causes and management

Dry Skin Causes

Dry skin is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause discomfort, itchiness, and flakiness, making it a frustrating issue to deal with. Understanding the causes of dry skin is essential for effective management and achieving healthier, hydrated skin. I often hear people complain of dry skin causes and whatever they apply, really doesn’t work.

Let’s try to understand as to what exactly is the reason for dryness of the skin and this will help us manage the dry skin better. and trust the leading Skin Specialist in Ludhiana ( Dr. Jastinder Gill) to address your skin concerns with personalized car

Reasons for Dryness

The various reasons for dryness are –

➡️ Inherent tendency to have dry skin:

In other words it’s a genetic constitution which makes the skin dry. In this case, you will have to take extra care of your skin to keep it free from dryness and this we will discuss in the management of dry skin.

➡️ Natural Ageing process

As we grow older, the oil production decreases. Oil or sebum is produced by the Sebecious or the oil glands, this keeps the skin soft and lubricated. Because of decreased oil production the skin feels and looks dry and dull. Also the moisture retaining property of the skin lipid barrier decreases and this also leads to dryness of the skin

➡️ Nutritional Deficiencies

Certain nutritional deficiencies because of decreased intake of certain nutrients say omega 3 fatty acids in the diet leads to dry skin. Occasionally the diet may be adequate but there is decreased absorption from the gut will also lead to nutrient deficiency. 

For healthy skin, we need an adequate intake of all major vitamins, say vitamin A, D, B complex, along with iron, zinc and all the minerals and micronutrients. If your diet is unable to provide so, then consult your doctor for the best combination of multivitamin supplements.

➡️ Dehydration

As we all know 80% of our body is made up of water, hence adequate intake of water is very essential to keep the well moisturized. This in return will keep the skin supple and bright. The moment you up your water intake, you will see the dryness vanish, giving it a healthy glow. 

Keep drinking water through the day, also include fresh lemon water and fresh coconut water to get the additional benefits of other minerals and micronutrients. The two times in a year that you need to take an extra caution of drinking water – one is winters, when the water intake decreases because of dip in temperatures, but your body and skin still do need hydration for the proper functioning. The air is dry, this also leads to dehydration of the skin, making it dry and dull. And the other is monsoons, when there is excessive loss of water and minerals from the skin in the form of sweating, keep your skin and body nourished with adequate water intake, fresh coconut and lemon water.

If you are into heavy exercise program say running or gyming where you sweat a lot, do take appropriate hydration.

As we grow older, our water intake decreases, this makes the skin dry and dull. If you are yourself in that age group or you have older parents or grandparents, make sure they have adequate water intake.

I often give the example of plants to my patients, if you do not water the plants they will wilt and fall. The moment you start watering the plant, once again its up and straight. That’s how important is water or hydration of our skin and body.

Dehydration affects all cells and systems of our body, we notice the effect on skin immediately but unable to see the damage caused by it on our body.

➡️ Medicines

Different medicines being taken for other health issues can lead to dryness of the skin. The various medications like laxatives, statins, diuretics, antihistamines etc can lead to dry skin. People who are on dialysis or on chemotherapy, often face dry skin

➡️ Stress

Stress is major factor in aggravating all kinds of problems, so no big surprise that stress has a major impact on skin.

➡️ Hormonal Imbalance

Thyroid dysfunction is a major cause leading to dryness of skin. Diabetes too has an impact on skin, leading to dull, dehydrated and dry skin. People with diabetes and thyroid imbalance have to take additional care of their skin to keep it healthy, supple and hydrated.

Management of Dry Skin

These simple few simple skin care tips go a long way in keeping the skin healthy, supple, well hydrated and maintain the youthful appearance.

???? – Do not use hot water to take bath, use lukewarm water for your showers. Do not spend long hours in the shower, it disrupts the natural lipid skin barrier. Use mild, fragrance free and pH balanced soaps and body wash.

???? Do not use any exfoliants, not even the homemade.

???? No scrubbing of the skin.

???? Do not use a loofah.

???? Pat dry the skin with the towel, no rubbing.

???? Moisturize your skin right after your bath, do not ever miss to apply the moisturizer. When you apply the moisturizer right after a shower, on the wet body,  the moisture gets locked in, giving additional benefits of hydration to the skin.

???? Sun protection is essential all the time, use an appropriate sunscreen through the year all 365 days, in all weather conditions, it maybe a cloudy day, a rainy day or a foggy day. Do reapply after 2-3 hours for prolonged protection. Sun rays dehydrate the skin leading to dryness and dull skin.

???? Avoid extreme weather conditions. Both extreme summers when the day temperatures soar up to 40 degree plus and extreme winters when the temperature dips to the lowest have detrimental effects on the skin. Dry hot winds and dry icy cold winds dehydrate the skin leading to dryness. The moisture is lost from the skin.

????Protect your skin with appropriate clothing

???? Indoor environment at home or at office plays an important role in the skin health.

Avoid heating systems in the winters, do not set the temperature too high as it will rob the moisture from the air and lead to dry skin. Use a humidifier to maintain a good level of humidity at home, if humidifier is not available then keeping water in an open bowl will also keep the indoor air moist and this helps decrease the skin dryness.

Not only the heating system but even the air conditioner to keep the indoor environment cool,  cause loss of moisture from the air and in result dull and dry skin. It’s not a very good idea to be in closed air conditioned environments for a long duration. Do spend time in the open to get some fresh air.

When traveling by air for long distances, everyone and especially people with dry skin should keep their skin well moisturized as the air in the airplane is dry and robs the skin of its moisture.

???? Swimming pools should be avoided by people with dry and sensitive skin, especially where chlorine is being used in the pool.

If you really can’t give swimming a skip, then moisturize your skin well before and after the swim. Use a moisturizer rich in ceramides, squalene, fatty acids and hyaluronic acid, these will keep the skin well hydrated.

Final Words

Dry skin can be a persistent and bothersome condition, but with proper understanding and management, you can significantly improve its symptoms and restore your skin’s natural moisture balance. By identifying the underlying causes of dry skin and adopting a tailored skincare routine, you can effectively manage this condition and enjoy healthier, more radiant skin. Remember to nourish your skin from within by staying hydrated, protecting it from harsh environmental factors, and using suitable moisturizers and emollients. With patience and consistent care, you can bid farewell to dry skin and embrace a complexion that feels and looks rejuvenated. So, take the necessary steps outlined in this blog post, and get ready to say hello to a more hydrated and happier skin!

Book a consultation with a renowned Skin Specialist in Ludhiana (Dr. Jastinder GIll) to experience the latest advancements in skincare.